"The uncooperative coop game
with a voice in your head"

In this exciting monster fighting game, you’re never sure who you’re really fighting against. Work together to build up epic attacks or take a risk and turn against your allies!

Excited? You are!

Our crowdfunding campaign was successful and we're now in the post-campaign production process.
See more details on Kickstarter.
Want to read more? Have a look at the rules (draft).

You will get the chance to order the most uncooperative coop game directly from wredespiele soon! Leave your email and you'll be the first to know.

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Dive deep into the darkest recesses of your psyche

Are you killing monsters - or is it all in your head? Do you hear that voice? Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter Card Game might seem like a cooperative game, but it really isn’t.

Quirky fun for your next game night

Fast-paced and easy to learn: Get a beer and fight some monsters in no time. Play cards of matching colors to boost attacks or break the chain and spoil the plan. Who can you trust?

Turns everything you know on its head

A psychopath escapes from a mental asylum and becomes a monster hunter during the apocalypse - with the unwelcome help of the voice in his head. A story about perception, turned into a game inspired by the prisoners dilemma.

Learn more about the graphic novel Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter!

The end is near

You’re hearing the voices? Use your abilities strategically, fight alongside the monsters and betray your friends. Play cards into the Apocalypse row to bring the game to an even faster end.

You want it!

The Kickstart campaign is over, but you will be able to order the game directly from wredespiele soon.

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